Sanja Horvatinčić Presented Invited Lecture at Durham University
On February 26, 2025, Dr. Sanja Horvatinčić presented an invited lecture titled “Thinking with the Traces of the Second World War: Community-Based Archaeology and Heritage-Making Practices in Rural Croatia” at Durham University in the United Kingdom.
The lecture was hosted by Durham University's Department of Archaeology, where Horvatinčić has served as an honorary fellow since 2023. This appointment recognizes her longstanding collaborative work on several significant research initiatives, including Heritage from Below, After Violence and Tracing Oblivion.
The visiting lecture is the result of her work at the DIGitART project – Digital Network, Spatial and (Con)textual Analysis of 20th Century Art Phenomena and Heritage, conducted by the Institute of Art History from 2023 to 2027 and funded under the program of European Union – NextGenerationEU.
Contact: Sanja Horvatinčić